Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What a Dame

First, I won the Modofacile blogger of the month contest (!). Yes it made my night and I happened to find out at 2AM the night of G's birthday- a bit tipsy from champagne and full of a 5 course Korean meal at Persimmon. I couldn't detract from our birthday dinner by maintaining my role as blogger and snapping photos (as anyone with a blog can attest, this tends to be a major point of contention in the relationship). So I am so sorry about not being able to supply you with great pictures but I will tell you to get over there ASAP because the prices the are charging for they dining experience are ridiculously affordable. The food is all made in house, no fake stuff. You watch the chefs preparing it in front of you- with a Momofuku alum running the place it's no wonder that this place delivers.
My favorite dish was a seared scallop with pickled strawberries.
G's favorite was a squash flower filled with chopped tofu and scallop and then deep-fried.
I also loved the sesame cookie and sweet rice water we had for dessert. Really delicious.

I looked back on my past posts and was a bit aghast at their elusive and un-engaging tone. Yesterday's dresses were from the Gap. I've been eyeing this store and it's development. It's slowly working its way into decent territory.

And on to today, I am reading a biography of Yves Saint Laurent and Maria Callas gets a wonderful amount of "page-time" for being a huge influence on Yves' culture. So I've been surrounding myself with images of the Opera Siren and I adore her personification of robust elegance. A red lip never looked more sultry. Is it ok for me to say what a dame?

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